Stories from the past few years are forthcoming. As I scroll through my photos, I realize there are so many things I want to write for my daughters to be able to read and enjoy long after I'm outta here.
And since I'm such a terribly faithful writer, ahem, I will be retro-blogging as the pictures and the muse guides me...and so far as my limited time allows.
Stories like the following!
The tale of Helen at the Dog Show and her fallen banana.
See Helen.
See Helen drop her dear banana, then dash to the aide of her Fearless Father. Being fearless, as his name so conveniently informs us, Father performs an emergency dirt-ectomy on said dear banana.
After successful operation, Helen is reunited with dear banana.
And then she reunites with the dirt.
Needless to say, I watched Helen and not the dog show.