Monday, May 30, 2011

5. silly children and the smiles they bring

Nothing brings lightness to my heart and a smile to my face like watching my girls do something silly or ridiculous.

Here they are begging for food like puppies.

Who knew cheese was so exciting?

Thanks Lord for the silliness of children. The laughter they bless my toil-filled days with is priceless. They help me to not take everything so seriously. What a blessing!

retro: Easter 2011

This Easter Sunday was nothing short of grand.

The worship at church was reverent and full of rejoicing at the finished work of my Lord and Savior.
The Easter feast was simple and delicious.
The flowers in Mom's garden were stunning; their aromas were intoxicating.
My precious daughters enjoyed their first egg hunts...with all 19 of the Becker kids.
My girls wore darling, handmade Easter dresses - crafted by their brilliant Grandma.

This Easter was everything Easter should be. Worshipful, relaxing, peaceful, fun, full of fellowship and laughter.

Israel on the swings Grandpa built.

Kevin and I in a battle of photography. He will win.

Helen and her biscuit.

Helen pondering the greater questions of life.

Helen and Poppa. The dynamic duo.

Somehow Zarah and I ended up safely on the other side of the camera with no pictures to attest our presence on this day. I'm sure Kevin has a few photos of us I could snag.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

retroactive blogging

Stories from the past few years are forthcoming. As I scroll through my photos, I realize there are so many things I want to write for my daughters to be able to read and enjoy long after I'm outta here.

And since I'm such a terribly faithful writer, ahem, I will be retro-blogging as the pictures and the muse guides me...and so far as my limited time allows.

Stories like the following!
The tale of Helen at the Dog Show and her fallen banana.

See Helen.

See Helen drop her dear banana, then dash to the aide of her Fearless Father. Being fearless, as his name so conveniently informs us, Father performs an emergency dirt-ectomy on said dear banana.

After successful operation, Helen is reunited with dear banana.

And then she reunites with the dirt.

Needless to say, I watched Helen and not the dog show.

a new baby...and so soon!

These are my new babies.

My very first starters! Whole wheat and rye. I was going for edgy Hollywood names.

I hope I can put forth the loving, attentive care they need so they won't grow to be spoiled. Seriously. I'm paranoid of these things going bad.

They even came to church with us today (pictures forthcoming) since we weren't going home until evening. I'm a very hands-on parent.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

4. My soul sister

So, I'm still counting my blessings...I'm just lousy at writing them out. But, I soldier on.

My soul sister is a blessing I could have never thought to ask for.

Erin is an all-around beautiful soul and in the words of Anne, a "kindred spirit!" From our garden exploits, to our "pray for me" Momma melt downs, to our baking catastrophes and triumphs, she is real and good and true and beautiful and lovely and compassionate and patient and steadfast and fun and insightful - mainly, incredible to say the least.

A fellow comrade in arms down in the trenches of life and love, she blesses me with her patient ear, her kind and true words, her available shoulder. She has broadened horizons to me I never knew existed. She challenges me to be real with God, real with my husband, real with my kids. She demonstrates selflessness like I have never known.

I'm crazy about her.
I praise you, dear Lord, for this lovely creature. I witness Your mercy, love and am blessed by Your grace through Erin's friendship. She is my soul sister, of which I am so deeply grateful.