Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's not my job, it's not my job, it's not my job...

I read pro-choice blogs.

Here are some I frequent (expect colorful language):

Abortion Gang

Just as I abhor being called "pro-life" only to be shoved into someone's narrow-minded, stereotyped caricature of who I am and what I believe, I read these blogs in an attempt to see "pro-choicers" as more than their political label. Pro-choice people are every bit as human as I am. They are made in the image of our holy God, who loves them every bit as much as He loves me. If not for the grace of God (and the blood of Jesus) I would be equally lost and blind to my sin. Actually, I'm still quite blind to my sin and can only see what the Holy Spirit has opened my eyes to!

In saying all that, today, my meanderings through different abortion blogs made me feel 2 inches tall. The hardness of heart was crushingly obvious as I watched different videos or read the commentaries. I was chilled to the bone as I realized, "Even a 3 hour discussion, using all my JFA skills, would not move that person an inch in their vehement belief in 'choice.'" This is not to say that everyone I ever witnessed to on campus with JFA is instantly converted, but I've rarely met people whose defiant defense of abortion is so full of vitriol, so hardened and closed off to dialogue that there is literally nothing I could ever say to get a fair hearing from them.

I'm posting the links to the videos I watched for those inclined to watch them. There is strong language in both and crass "humor" used in the first video link. I caution those who would choose to watch these videos...not rated PG, folks.

I found George Carlin's video harder to watch in many ways. Mr. Carlin's brand of humor revolts me. He was in desperate need of a thesaurus, seeing as how he repeatedly relied on the same 4 letter words to convey his message. But what I found truly heartbreaking is Mr. Carlin is deceased. He took his vitriol against God and his stubborn heart to the grave. Seeing people for whom all hope is lost makes me want to weep.

Sonya Renee's video was so difficult to watch. As I watched this beautiful and theatrically talented woman read her poem, my heart broke to hear the lies she had bought be regurgitated in full fury and emotion. She mischaracterized "pro-lifers" as little more than stereo-types. She shifted blame and criticized political parties, all the while ignoring the humanity of the unborn and truth that women do indeed deserve better!

Women deserve better than "free condoms" and "better sex ed." Women deserve real men who will commit to them and the children they help create. Women don't need Uncle Sam to step into the family and become the substitute daddy, thereby giving guys an easy out. Women need the loving security of real fathers so they don't go from man-to-man-to-man searching for what they should have been given as a little girl. Women deserve Truth, even if it's hard Truth, rather than deception and fluffed up words like "choice" and "rights," only bury the real issue of abortion in a thick mire of rhetoric.

Anyway, I digress from the title of this blog and my ensuing point. As I watched these, as I said, I felt 2 inches tall. Why? I felt completely powerless in the face of such hard-hearted people. My JFA training has taught me to engage anyone and everyone in thoughtful, compassionate, open dialogue about abortion. Listen and ask questions, listen and ask questions...pretty simple, really.

I asked God many times while watching these, "What could I possibly do to change their mind? There's no way I could talk to them. How could I talk to them about the humanity of the unborn when they are so full of fury?"

And then I heard a small voice in the back of my mind repeat over and over, "It's not your job. It's not your job..." That's about when my anxiety started to subside and my blood pressure returned to normal. It's not my job to change anyone's mind, to convict anyone of sin or to restore anyone to right relationship with God. It's the Holy Spirit's job. I'm not God and I don't have to be. I'm called to be faithful, witness to those God puts in my life and live a life that points continually back to Christ through the power of the afore mentioned Holy Spirit.

It's not my job to be God...ahh! Now I can go to bed and breathe a little easier.

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