Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bringing home baby.

I don't blog in the sequential order of my life. I flip through my visual reminders of all my blessings, aka pictures, and write as my heart is moved to do so.

My heart is full of flustered, anxious, at times, bitter emotions. I can't understand where it is coming from (unless it's the usual hormonal roller coaster that accompanies early pregnancy - God, please let it not be so!).

My precious husband, although grating to my menacing inner witch plaguing our lives at this moment, is amazing in his insights and patience. He encourages me through my tantrums to go be alone, pray for someone and take my eyes off "self."

I'm fixing my eyes right now on the three most beautiful creatures God has ever formed.

Remembering the day we brought Z home from the hospital fills my heart with such joy, it becomes a physical force. I can feel it bringing life to my bones, like a spiritual medicine for the of sin ravaging my soul.

We wanted to make the introduction of baby #3 as pleasurable as possible to Is and Helen.

What in all of creation is more pleasurable than a Krispy Kreme donut when the "Fresh Hot" sign is blazing its siren call?


We grabbed a couple fresh-hots for Poppa and Momma and 2 of the most vividly colored sprinkled donuts for the big girls, headed for a quiet, shaded corner in a nearby parking lot (because I was NOT going to wait for the long drive to a park, thereby allowing my "fresh-hot" to cool down to just "kinda fresh-room temp"!) and devoured the goodness.

The smiles. Magical. The sunshine. Glorious.

Zarah slept through her birthday party.

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